Friday, November 27, 2009

29 Weeks!

Tired! That is the word that sums up how I've felt this week. Work is crazy busy and we have had something on nearly every night for the past week or two! I am planning on sleeping all day on Sunday in an attempt to catch up and feel at least semi-human once again.

Anyway, here is a picture of me from this morning at the 29 week mark:

This week brought about a lot of reflecting on my life and how lucky I am to be here as this time last year, I was in hospital after having a tumour the size of a grapefruit removed from my tummy.

I remember how devastated I was to have thought I only had appendicitis and to wake up after surgery to news that I had not only had my appendix and a tumour removed, but that I had also lost an ovary. I felt incredibly angry towards people who kept telling me that everything would be alright and that we wouldn't have any problems conceiving, as they couldn't possibly know how everything would turn out.

Thankfully, everything did turn out alright and in another 11 or so weeks, we will be welcoming our little baby into the world!

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